二十世纪初叶,人类历史进入一个动荡不安的时代,曾经辉煌无两的大英帝国正从鼎盛走向衰落,国际局势波谲云诡,战争一触即发。在这重要的历史时刻,一个不合时宜的小生命出生在了英国皇室。他就是约翰王子(丹尼尔·威廉姆斯 Daniel Williams 饰),乔治五世(Tom Hollander 饰)与玛丽皇后(Miranda Richardson 饰)的儿子。约翰王子聪慧善良,相貌圆满,却因患有癫痫而被认为是低能儿,继而令王室成员感到羞耻。为避免蒙羞,皇室将约翰和保姆拉拉(Gina McKee 饰)送到乡下修养。远离了都市的喧嚣和宫廷的繁文缛节,约翰似乎找寻到真正的自由和快乐,他在此静静地渡过了最后的时光…… 本片根据约翰王子的真实事迹改编。British empire monarch George V and his wife Queen Mary decide to hide their last-born son, Johnnie, from the public, being embarrassingly affected by epilepsy. While his protective elder brother is ruthlessly groomed for court life, Johnnie gets packed off to a country cottage on the royal estate Sandringham. With his full-time governess Lalla, a substitute-mother, he's abandoned to playfulness and virtual social neglect. The Great War and the Russian Revolution change life in Britain, also at court, even at Sandringham, where royal refugees are expected.