故事獲日本國寶級演員樹木希林青睞,首次為電影擔任監製並參演。改編自真人真事,日泰警方聯手搗破一宗近十億日元跨國騙案。落網騙徒是六旬婦人,卻訛稱38歲並以美人計騙財騙色,轟動全日本。女主角與詐騙犯情人聯手行騙,以花言巧語媚惑心靈脆弱的人入局,換來不義之財享盡奢華。可惜當局者迷,金錢無法填補心靈虛空,枕邊人的背叛令她出走尋找慰藉,在異鄉依然逃不出物慾與色慾交織而成的漩渦⋯⋯導演日比遊一曾為高倉健拍攝紀錄片,首度執導劇情長片引領觀眾窺探傳奇騙子戲劇性一生,直面人性的慾望。Former pop idol Asada Miyoko plays Satoko, a 50-something club hostess who is lured into the grifting life and becomes lovers with a fellow con artist. After she's betrayed, Satoko flees to Thailand, where she takes up a new identity as a 38-year-old woman named Erica. In her final performance before her death last year, screen legend Kiki Kirin steals the film as Satoko's steelhearted mother - and possibly the person responsible for her daughter's criminal ways. Loosely based on a true story.