一个姑娘,她要嫁给一个心爱的男人。但这个男人家中共有七兄弟。谁能想像,蜜月期除了自己的老公,还得和六个愣头青小伙一起度过,大房子会被乱搅和得糟糕透顶,他们也将失去二人世界。想好了,给他们每个人找个姑娘吧。最终,成为七对佳偶。Adam, the eldest of seven brothers, goes to town to get a wife. He convinces Milly to marry him that same day. They return to his backwoods home. Only then does she discover he has six brothers - all living in his cabin. Milly sets out to reform the uncouth siblings, who are anxious to get wives of their own. Then, after reading about the Roman capture of the Sabine women, Adam develops an inspired solution to his brothers' loneliness.