2012年的一天,年届七旬的平山周吉(桥爪功 饰)和老伴富子(吉行和子 饰)结伴来到东京。这片繁华匆忙的土地上,生活着他们三个子女,在郊外开办诊所的长子幸一(西村雅彦 饰),与丈夫库造(林家正藏 饰)共同经营美发店的女儿滋子(中岛朋子 饰)以及担任歌舞伎美工的次子昌次(妻夫木聪 饰)。一家人久未团聚,自然心间充满喜悦。只是子女长大成人,荷担家业,从早到晚为了生计奔波劳碌,根本无暇带着父母游览东京。老两口先后在孩子们的家中小住,深深感受到他们的艰辛,而昌次对未来的茫然似乎也让平山夫妇多了一份担心。也许一切都会好起来,总要有放开手的时刻。 短短几日盘桓,为人父母的心中涌起万千情感,却来不及一一道出……An old married couple Shukichi Hirayama and Tomiko live on a small island in the Inland Sea. They go to Tokyo. The couple have 3 children. The eldest son Koichi runs a hospital. The first daughter Shigeko runs a beauty salon. The second son Shuji works in stage art. The families ask the parents to take a rest in Tokyo, but the parents do not like staying in Tokyo. One day, Tomiko visits Shuji's apartment. There, Tomiko is introduced to Shuji's fiancé Noriko, but Tomiko collapses at Koichi's house.