故事发生在樱丘高中内,在开学典礼上,合田美樱(丰崎爱生 配音)和芹泽春晖(铃村健一 配音)相遇了。四散的樱花雨中,两人的身影在彼此的眼中留下了深深的烙印。之后,姻缘的红线将两人紧紧的联系在一起,他们一起上学放学,一起吃午餐便当,在天台上闲聊打发时光,虽然周围的朋友们都认为两人已经是在交往的情侣了,但只有他们两人自己知道,在两人之间,依然存在着无法跨越的鸿沟。 美樱是美术部的成员,在画画时往往沉浸在自己的世界中无法自拔。而春晖则加入了电影研究部,个性开朗乐观的他喜欢和朋友们聚在一起讨论当下最流行的电影。这个世界上存在着相互喜欢但无法表白心意的人吗?Under the cherry blossom tree during Sakuragaoka High School's Entrance Ceremony, Miou Aida meets Haruki Serizawa for the first time. Ever since that day, their eyes chased after each other. Miou is reserved, while Haruki is very social. While many mistook them as a couple, their relationship remained a little more than friends. As they stop to sit on the steps of a deck on their walk home, Miou cannot help but ask, "Haruki...do you like anyone?" Haruki replies, "I do like someone ...what about you?" Just 10 centimeters between their hands. It's just 10 centimeters, but the distance remains...