某控制论与未来科技研究所的跨时代项目斯莫莱克戎1号,是一种应用高端技术架设微缩世界的电子怪物。它可以针对社会,经济以及政治事件做出精确的预测。由于这个研究项目的创办人兼总监沃尔摩尔教授神秘死亡,所长任命斯蒂勒博士作为这个项目的继任负责人。不久斯蒂勒的同事们发现新总监也开始状若疯狂。然而,随着老友--研究所安全主管劳兹神秘消失事件的不断深入,斯蒂勒渐渐分不清究竟是自己病了,还是身边的世界病了.... 《世界旦夕之间》是1973年法斯宾德为电视台制作的两部式科幻电影,改编自伽洛耶出版于1964年的长篇小说《三重模拟》(Simulacron-3),本片后来被好莱坞翻拍成《异次元骇客》(The Thirteenth Floor),并深刻启发了后来的同题材系列电影《黑客帝国》。Somewhere in the future there is a computer project called Simulacron one of which is able to simulate a full featured reality, when suddenly project leader Henry Vollmer dies. His successor Dr. Fred Stiller experiences odd phenomena. A good friend, Guenther Lause, disappears in the middle of a conversation and a week later nobody has ever heard of him. And those fits of dizzyness - Stiller cannot believe himself to be fool. There has to be an explanation for all this. Could Simulacron have something to do with it?