在电厂大火中大难不死的灾难记者离群索居两年,重作冯妇回到一家小报社工作,却意外发现许多重大灾难的档案照片里都有一个长相奇特的黑衣男子。美艳的档案研究员协助他调查,于是他阻止了一场空难、阻止一列地下铁列车翻覆、并且试图阻止装满一万多人的体育馆失火----他的儿子在里面看球赛。同时,两个从未来过来的人试图阻止他阻止这一切的灾难……A Strange passenger from the future seems to be witnessing all the great disasters of the century. Two reporters are trying to track this man down to see where he will show up next. The movie also works on the problem of the two reporters that want to prevent the next disaster from happening. Should they change the future when they know another disaster is going to strike?
资源名:Похитители прошлого (The Time Shifters) (Thrill Seekers).avi
文件大小:1.4 GB
资源名:Похитители прошлого (The Time Shifters) (Thrill Seekers).avi