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原名:夢色パティシエール   又名:

状态:更新至26集   更新:2023-08-22 11:08:46

由于童年的经历,天野莓(悠木碧 配音)对糕点有着深深的喜爱和眷恋,成为一名出色的糕点师就是她的全部梦想。可是,随着年岁的增长,小莓发现,自己笨拙的身手无法胜任制作糕点这样精细的活计。在一次蛋糕展示会上,名叫安利(岸尾大辅 配音)的师傅却告诉小莓,她有着极高的烹饪天赋,但尚需发掘。安利推荐小莓进入圣玛丽学院进行修炼,在家人的鼓励和自己的反复思量之下,小莓终于下定了就读的决心。   在学院里,小莓认识了外表冷漠内心天真的“甜点王子”樫野真(冈本信彦 配音),成熟稳重的糕点店继承人安堂千乃介(浜添伸也 配音)和对小莓十分友善亲切的花房五月(代永翼 配音)。在他们的帮助下,小莓不断的提升着自己制作糕点的手艺,并和同学们结下了深厚的友谊。side from her deep passion for eating cakes, the clumsy Ichigo Amano has never been successful at anything. After an encounter with Henri Lucas, a famous patissier, Ichigo's amazing tasting abilities-although unbeknownst to her-are discovered. Recognizing her talent, Henri offers her the chance to attend St. Marie Academy, a prestigious culinary school which specializes in desserts. In spite of the fact that she is a beginner lacking skills, thanks to Henri's recommendation, Ichigo is placed in the topmost group with the "Sweets Princes." The princes, famous throughout the school for their magical treats, are Sennosuke Andou, an expert in traditional Japanese sweets; Satsuki Hanabusa, with a flair for candied flowers; and Makoto Kashino, a gifted chocolatier. Ichigo and the Sweets Princes, each accompanied by their "Sweets Spirits"-fairies who make patissiers' dreams come true-all work towards their goals in the competitive world of sweets.

资源名:【翼の堂字幕组】【梦色糕点师_Yumeiro Patissiere】【第08话】【天才和天敌和天然?】【848_480】【GB】【RV10】.rmvb


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资源名:【翼の堂字幕组】【梦色糕点师_Yumeiro Patissiere】【第08话】【天才和天敌和天然?】【848_480】【GB】【RV10】.rmvb

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