選りすぐりの名作をデジタル・ニューマスター仕様でDVD化した日活名作ロマンシリーズ。国家権力が嫉妬した、伝説の傑作ポルノ!17歳の時に、偶然母と祖父のSEXを覗き見てしまった今日子。それ以来、実業家との結婚を目前に控えた現在まで、異常な性行動は止まることを知らず…。“日活名作ロマンシリーズ”。山口清一郎監督、原英美、大泉隆二、南寿美子ほか出演。R-18作品。Twenty-year-old Kazuo is in love with his college girlfriend, Hisako, but he can't help but be intrigued by a mysterious older woman named Kyoku, a promiscuous woman unsatisfied with her marriage. As time goes on, both Kazuo and Hisako are pulled into the seemingly rules free, borderless world of Kyoku - with all of its many pains and pleasures.