库珀(瑞茜·威瑟斯彭 Reese Witherspoon 饰)是一名拥有着超强正义感的火爆女警,在上司的安排下,她接受了一个艰巨的任务,那就是护送一位名为丹尼艾拉(索菲娅·维加拉 Sofia Vergara 饰)的金发美女前往达拉斯,在那里,安妮艾拉将会成为指证毒枭的重要证人。 让库珀没有想到的是,丹尼艾拉的个性和自己一样一点就着,一山容不得二虎,两个女人之间从见面一开始就充满了浓浓的火药味,这将注定不会是一段太平的旅途。更糟糕的是,库珀一行人刚刚出发没多久就遭到了黑帮分子的伏击,丹尼艾拉的丈夫里瓦先生(文森特·拉斯卡 Vincent Laresca 饰)更是在交火之中不幸丧生。作为仅剩的幸存者,库珀和丹尼艾拉该如何抵达目的地,完成她们的使命呢?Rose Cooper is an uptight and by-the-book cop whose name has become a verb synonymous with screw-ups, and she's found a chance to redeem herself. She has been assigned to protect a federal witness, Daniella Riva, the vivacious and outgoing widow of a drug boss. As the two polar opposites race through Texas, they find themselves pursues by everyone from crooked cops to murderous gunmen. However, their greatest obstacle to making this out alive may be themselves as they learn that Cooper has now been considered a fugitive fleeing with Danielle.