海底怪客是一只在氢弹测试中产生异变的巨大六脚章鱼,它不断攻击海上的船舰,而且逐渐朝旧金山前进。更可怕的是,它能发出强大的放射线,摧毁任何用来对付牠的传统武器。两位科学家(Donald Curtis、Faith Domergue)和潜艇指挥官(Kenneth Tobey)在牠摧毁了金门大桥并逐步进逼旧金山时,终于想出了阻止它继续肆虐的方法……After an encounter at sea with an unknown underwater creature, a naval commander works with two scientists to identify it. The creature they are dealing with is a giant, radioactive octopus that has left its normal feeding grounds in search of new sources of replenishment. As the creature attacks San Francisco, the Navy tries to trap it at the Golden Gate Bridge but it manages to enter the Bay area leading to a final confrontation with a submarine.