在南方某沿海城市活动着非法倒卖外币的团伙。一个称作“伯爵”的家伙以旅游为借口去国外执行团伙头目交给的任务。他刚好和一个话语不多还很谦虚的经济学家谢苗·谢苗诺维奇同行。故事再继续发展时就出乎人们意料之外了:如果“伯爵”和新认识的同路人分手,就会完不成任务……Semyon Gorbunkov goes on a cruise. In Istanbul, he slips and breaks his arm. What he didn't know is that this was a signal for a gang of smugglers (a real smuggler - Gena - was also on board the same ship). So his arm gets bandaged with gold and diamonds. After he returns home, the gangsters are trying to get their stuff back, while the police try to catch them using Gorbunkov and his arm.