一个想加入黑社会但酷不起来的泊车小弟,如果可以,他想要威风一次就好;一个有自杀倾向的女服务生,这个晚上她第一次发现生命中该去争取的事;一个意气风发的黑社会老大,必须面对自己所犯下的错;一个美艳诱人但危险的蛇蝎美人,因无法说出口的理由,她急需一笔钱;还有一个抛不下过去也坐 不住的酒客。 五段本来毫不相干的命运交错在同一个夜晚,面临人生最大的抉择。每个决定,不单单改变自己的一生,也影响他人的人生。每一种选择都造成截然不同的结局。 原来我们都在互相纠结的命运里一起挣扎...An unassuming valet looking for his lucky break, a trophy wife with a rock-hard ass looking to find the woman that she once was, a mob boss looking for redemption for his sins, a foreigner looking to escape from his painful past, and a suicidal waitress looking for a reason to live: five lost souls struggling to find the spark for life collide in one night of life-changing choices in this Taiwanese-flavored black comedy offering.