1966年,从新加坡返回香港想忘掉过去的周慕云(梁朝伟 饰)住进东方酒店的、同他曾经熟悉的数字2046只差一号的2047号房,开始了他的卖文生涯。眼前、曾经在他身边出现过的一个个女人(章子怡、王菲、张曼玉、刘嘉玲等 饰)经过他大脑的过影后,令他对时空产生疑惑,不但忘不了过去,一幕幕往事反而更加挥之不去。 为了与过去作更好的告别,他将生活的点点滴滴化为文字,写下小说《2046》(说只要搭上了前往2046的列车,人们就可以找回失去的记忆)。The story evolves around the main character, Zhou Mo Wan who writes a novel about a mysterious train that leaves for a place called 2046 every once in a while. Everyone who boards that train has the same intention - which is to recapture their lost memories. It is said that in 2046, nothing ever changed. Nobody knows for sure if it was true, because nobody who went there had ever come back- except for one. He had been there but He chose to leave. He wanted to change.