故事讲述一对澳洲夫妇前往印度的加尔各答市,迎接他们们领养的婴孩。在到达后,才发现手续仍未办妥。不久,这个神秘而又醉人的异国城市竟然导致他们们分开,而这段外表快乐内里脆弱的婚姻关系亦渐露端倪。 此片让我想到了去年的【开罗时间】,而且都有一个很帅很有味道的大叔男猪脚。 提取码:1. t81abd4d4 2. t8b48e61b9An outwardly happy Australian couple journey to Calcutta to collect their adopted baby, but on arrival find that the arrangements have yet to be finalized. Soon, the intoxicating mystic power of the Indian city pulls them in separate and unexpected directions, and the vulnerability of their marriage begins to reveal itself.