暑假到来,自幼丧父的小学三年级学生正男(关口雄介饰),如今和奶奶生活在一起,暑假特别无聊。他拿出母亲从外地寄回的信,准备自己一个人去爱知县丰桥市看望母亲。 邻居阿姨(岸本加世子饰)发现后,决定帮正男完成心愿。她拿出一笔钱做为旅费,还安排游手好闲的老公菊次郎(北野武饰)陪伴正男一起踏上寻母之途。可是在第一天,菊次郎就把老婆给的钱全部输光,于是两个人只好步行前往爱知。 一路搭顺风车,惹了不少麻烦后,菊次郎终于带着正男到了他母亲的家,但小男孩却十分沮丧。归途中,菊次郎努力安慰他,二人过得十分愉快,夏天就这么过去了。Brash, loudmouthed and opportunistic, Kikujiro hardly seems the ideal companion for little Masao who is determined to travel long distances to see the mother he has never met. Their excursion to the cycle races is the first of a series of adventures for the unlikely pair which soon turns out to be a whimsical journey of laughter and tears with a wide array of surprises and odd ball characters to meet along the way.