上世纪七八十年代的河南古城安阳,某个五口之家的姐姐(张静初)、哥哥(冯瓅)和弟弟(吕玉来)在社会剧烈转型时期,踏上不同的人生之路。 姐姐二十出头,虽看起来清瘦文静,内心却刚烈执拗,为实现梦想可以将自己豁出,无奈现实无情,经过多次挫败后她学会听天由命;哥哥二十三四岁,因小时得病落下轻微脑疾,父母对他的关爱皆多一层,经人介绍与精明的跛脚姑娘结婚后,他过上自己很满意的日子;弟弟十七八岁,敏感、忧郁,内心世界过于丰富,因为某件事被父亲赶出家门后,开始在外面找寻属于自己的生活,然而所获只是时间将其改造得面目全非。The story is set in the 1970s in a small town in China. A middle aged couple has three children. The eldest son is obese and mentally challenged, therefore he is teased and outcasted by others. The second child is an outgoing and energetic daughter, who is not afraid of doing anything to pursue her dreams or to survive. The youngest child is a shy and quiet boy who is ashamed by his older brother and tries to break away from the misery in his family. Breaking into three sections focusing on each of these siblings, the film allows us to look into the lives of ordinary Chinese people the 70s.