大学生香惠(泽尻绘里香 饰 )搬进新公寓的时候发现一本由前租客留下的日记。学业忙碌的香惠一直没有把事情放在心上。直到一天她遇到一名似曾相识的男子,这个叫石飞龙(伊势谷友介 饰)在香惠搬进公寓的时候与他见过面。而这次石飞龙是为了寻找满意钢笔来到了香惠打工的店去。 接下来两人一次次相遇,香惠更发觉自己喜欢上了石飞龙。这时候香惠想起了那本日记,打开日记后,香惠发现这是伊吹老师(竹内结子 饰)的日记,里面记载了伊吹老师与学生之间的事情,也记录了她与一个叫隆的男子的爱情。奇怪的是日记最后一页被撕走了。而香惠越看下去,就对这本日记的内容有越大的好奇,尤其那名叫隆的男子。随着香惠对石飞隆的感情加深,终于她也知道了为何他们总是能偶遇,也明白了最后一页日记隐藏的秘密。Kae Horii (Erika Sawajiri) moves into her new flat in an undisclosed area of Kyoto. While unpacking her belongings, she discovers a hidden compartment behind a inconspicuous mirror. In that compartment, Kae finds a notebook, that turns out to be a diary belonging to the previous tenant. Later that evening Kae starts to read the diary. The writer of the diary is Ibuki Mano (Yuko Takeuchi), a young lady about to embark on her first year as an elementary school teacher. Ibuki is also in love with a man named Takashi, who may or may not hold similar feelings for Ibuki. The diary immediately resonates with Kae, as she plans to become an elementary school teacher herself. Ibuki's experiences also works as an inspirational instructional guide for Kae's own personal life. Kae is also in love with an aloof illustrator/artist (Yusuke Iseya), who may or may not hold similar feelings for Kae.