艾倫(史恩奧斯汀 飾)是個受到過度保護的都市小孩,被父母強迫參加一個野地夏令營。心不甘情不願的艾倫與三個朋友來到營隊後,遇到了嚴格的指導員維克(凱文貝肯 飾,「靈異駭客」),面對這四個驕縱任性的男孩,維克決定好好地訓練他們,不只要教他們野地求生的方法,更重要的是要讓他們學會對自己負責。四位小男生在全無心理準備下,面臨了人性與自然的挑戰與衝突… 經歷這次激烈嚴格的夏令營,他們是否能脫胎換骨,變成勇敢的男子漢呢?An experienced guide (Vic) accompanies a city boy (Alan) and his three friends on their first wilderness experience. Hoping to teach the four boys lessons not only about the wilderness, but about themselves, Vic pushes them to the limit. Soon after alienating the boys, Vic finds himself in desperate need of help and must rely on his students in order to survive.