18世纪上半叶,日本正处在德川幕府时代。只能向将军贡献腌萝卜的蕞尔穷藩汤长谷藩刚刚完成一年一度劳民伤财的参勤交代,藩主内藤政醇(佐佐木藏之介 饰)原打算好好休息一下,谁知幕府老中松平信祝(阵内孝则 饰)获悉汤长谷藩发现金山,因此他设计迫使内藤必须于五日之内再度参勤,否则 将以谋反论处。明知这是一场处心积虑的阴谋,但是内藤还是决定铤而走险。在善于出谋划策的家老相马兼嗣(西村雅彦 饰)以及户隐流忍者云隐段藏(伊原刚志 饰)等人的协助下,汤长谷藩的绝命参勤正式展开。与此同时,狡猾的松平信祝接连派出密探,企图阻止内藤主从的行程。 前途多舛,内藤藩主能否成功颠覆松平的阴谋呢?During the reign of the eighth shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate, the Yunagaya Domain in the Tohoku region is a small han. But at the han, there is a gold mine. Suddenly, Masaatsu Naito of Yunagaya Domain receives an order to perform Sankin-kotai within 5 days. Sankin-kotai is a custom that requires the daimyo to visit the shogun in Edo. Unfortunately, the time needed to visit the shogun in Edo for Masaatsu Naito is 8 days. Masaatsu Naito also learns he received the order because a high ranking government official wants the gold mine. Also, the expense for Sankin-kotai is high and the Yunagaya Domain is such a small han that it seems impossible to complete. Nevertheless, Masaatsu Naito begins an unexpected operation to complete Sankin-kotai in 5 days.