在一个名为加特林的小地方,大男孩伊森·维特(阿尔登·埃伦瑞奇 Alden Ehrenreich 饰)生长于此,虽然长久以来被同一个噩梦困扰,但伊森从不打算离开此地。他习惯了小镇的安静与落后,也习惯了盘桓在这里上百年的各种灵异传说和被禁书籍。这一日,一名美丽女孩打破了加特林的宁静。她叫蕾娜·杜凯(爱丽丝·恩格勒特 Alice Englert 饰),继承了当地一幢传言闹鬼的别墅。伊森显然喜欢上了看似温柔可亲的蕾娜,但是随之而来的种种异状却让伊森的同学乃至当地人将女孩看作操练邪术的巫女。 无论怎样,伊森与蕾娜仍不可遏止地相互吸引,这是他们之间不被饶恕、深藏无数惊人秘密的禁忌之恋……Teenager Ethan Wate is obsessed with his urge to finish high school and go on to college in order to leave the small town of Gatlin, South Carolina behind, until a mysterious girl begins to inhabit his dreams. When he meets Lena Duchannes, a newcomer who has just enrolled in his school, Ethan knows she is the girl in his dreams. Lena is rejected by the rest of her classmates for being the granddaughter of Macon Ravenwood, whom the town's superstitious residents consider to be a devil-worshiper. But Ethan gives her a ride anyway and they fall in love. Lena reveals to her new boyfriend that she is a witch, and that on her sixteenth birthday she will be claimed by either the forces of light or of darkness. She will remain in the light, but only if she does not remain in love with Ethan. To make matters worse, her evil mother, Sarafine, is casting spells to push Lena to the dark side. Ethan joins her in a search to find a magic spell to save their doomed love. Will the lovers succeed?