充满正义感的流浪汉竟然假冒警察去帮人,天生笨笨的他会否愈帮愈忙。这就是带点奇幻的搞笑喜剧《被困在外》(Locked Out)的有趣的地方。在街上找到一套警察制服的流浪汉原本只想到警署饭堂“骗饭吃”,却在饭堂遇到一名被抢走孩子的少妇,向来“傻里傻气”的他灵机一动,想到以“警察”身分维持正义。The story of a glue-sniffing homeless person who stumbles upon a policeman committing suicide and decides to put his abandoned uniform to good use. Initially this means using it to steal food from the police canteen but soon Roland discovers that wearing the uniform gives him certain powers and responsibilities, particularly tracking down the kidnapped child of a former porn star whose picture he had fallen in love with.