劳碌半生的平田周造(桥爪功 饰)定年退休,而今这个老头优哉游哉,日常和老友们打高尔夫球散心,玩乐过后再来到居酒屋和风韵犹存的老板娘佳代(风吹纯 饰)调笑一番,生活好不惬意。这一日,当他一如往常醉醺醺回到家中时,看似逆来顺受的老婆富子(吉行和子 饰)居然提出离婚的请求,登时令周造酒醒了大半。次日醒来,富子依然没有改变主意,周造的心情因此变得越来越糟。父母婚变,连带平田家的其他成员长子幸之助(西村雅彦 饰)、儿媳妇史枝(夏川结衣 饰)、女儿成子(中岛朋子 饰)、女婿泰藏(林家正藏 饰)、小儿子庄太(妻夫木聪 饰)及其女友宪子(苍井优 饰)也被卷入其中。 吵吵闹闹,喜怒哀乐,东京平凡的一户人家日常一瞥……A husband (Isao Hashizume) and wife (Kazuko Yoshiyuki) have been married for 50 years. For her birthday, the husband asks the wife what she wants for her birthday present. She replies that she wants a divorce. The wife's divorce announcement sends the entire family into chaos. Their children are much thrown into a state of panic to hear this news of separation. Amid the sudden tumult of life, each member of the family begins to publicize respective grievances.
资源名:What a Wonderful Family 2016 JAPANESE 1080p BluRay REMUX AVC TrueHD 5.1-FGT
资源名:What a Wonderful Family 2016 JAPANESE 1080p BluRay REMUX AVC TrueHD 5.1-FGT