曾经胸怀奥运拳王梦想的林德奎(黄正民 饰),人过中年其人生几近完败,他所经营的面馆门可罗雀,与女儿的关系又紧张非常。在此关头,他半推半就参加了赏金丰厚的“格斗真人秀”。不鸣则已,一鸣惊人,林德奎接连击败强劲对手,与黑社会小混混申载硕(尹济文 饰)的对决更令现场和电脑、电视机前的观众大为惊叹。节目收视率直线攀升,林德奎不仅拥有自己的坚实拥趸,连面馆的生意也顺带好了起来。不久之后,拳台另一角走来青年时代的好哥们,日常跟在老板屁股后面点头哈腰的某企业部长李尚勋(柳俊相 饰)。生活在彼此的心头蒙下厚厚尘土,是时候用拳头击碎虚伪的面具了…… 本片根据韩国人气网络漫画改编。On a television show billed as "the greatest fight show on Earth," eager amateurs with lots to prove boldly step into the ring and expect to leave bloody but victorious. The ratings hungry producers seek out "legendary" but largely forgotten streetfighters and mine their desperation for recaptured glory and redemption into ratings gold. Three old friends and rivals from high school days who get their invitation to the big fight for the chance to win $200,000 and much more. 25 years later - Deok-kyu, whose Olympic dreams were dashed, now runs a struggling noodle shop. Jae-seok who always wanted to be number one but still finds himself in a third-rate gang. And Sang-hoon, a thug turned corporate executive who must go back and find his bloodlust one last time.