该动画片为片长约5分钟的讽刺短片。 男人在家百无聊赖,查看房间觉得少了点什么,外出买回一个巨大的衣柜。将衣柜仔细瞅了一番,男人把地上放的鞋子、墙上挂的帽子以及壁画放到了衣柜,可是因为衣柜实在太大,看起来还是很空。为了填满衣柜,男人将家里摆放在各个位置的物件全搬到了衣柜里,很快,他有了一个颇为满意的“新家”,又在沙发上“惬意地”百无聊赖起来。Once upon a time there was a man who, at first glance, was no different from the people around him. However, in reality, he was not at all like everyone else, for he was afraid of life itself. Over time, the feeling of such fear turns out to be so enormous and all-consuming that this person decides to somehow end this once and for all. After a little thought, he decides to wrap himself in a large closet.