无人不知的美国大亨霍华德·休斯在晚年过起了隐居生活,在人们的心中愈加神秘,然而有关他的任何一点新闻都会牵动美国人的神经。 这次引起轰动的是一个小作家艾尔文(理查·基尔),他声称得到授权为休斯写回忆录。新闻每天追踪着关于休斯的各种消息,休斯的传记也如约出版。艾尔文因此一夜致富,闻名全美。就在这一切进行的如火如荼时,艾尔文和他的亲友却感到惴惴不安,因为一切都是假的。他们根本没见过休斯,更没有什么授权,他们只是为了一个谎又扯一个谎,最终织成了弥天大谎。或许更让艾尔文悲哀的是,他已经难分生活的真实与虚假,他编造着别人的生活,也让自己走入了谎言的陷阱。Early in 1971, McGraw-Hill passes on Clifford Irving's new novel. He's desperate for money, so, against the backdrop of Nixon's reelection calculations, Irving claims he has Howard Hughes's cooperation to write Hughes's autobiography. With the help of friend Dick Suskind, Irving does research, lucks into a manuscript written by a long-time Hughes associate, and plays on corporate greed. He's quick-thinking and outrageously bold. Plus, he banks on Hughes's reluctance to enter the public eye. At the same time, he's trying to rebuild his marriage and deflect the allure of his one-time mistress, Nina Van Pallandt. Can he write a good book, take the money, and pull off the hoax?