2005年,《超级女声》红遍中国,那是一个全民疯狂的年代。那一年,我们记住了李宇春、周笔畅、张靓颖,那一年,见证了我们最年轻最放肆的时光,那一年,竟已悄悄过了十年。2013年,12个年轻人怀揣梦想踏上这个舞台,他们曾和我们一样曾经历这十年,如今他们成为这个舞台的主角。 电影讲述的正是选秀舞台背后这一群年轻人最真实的故事,他们不再是被包装的“偶像”,他们会面对来自成人世界的否定、会愤怒、会叛逆、会疯玩、会打闹、会想要获得别人认可,他们只是一群平凡而真实的年轻人。 如果你正年轻,它是一面镜子,能让你看到自己。 如果你年轻过,它是一个时间机器,能让你回到那个放肆“ZUO”、放肆哭、放肆笑、放肆犯错、放肆沸腾的年纪。It's a story about post-90 generation in China and how they chasing their dreams through a talent show. The summer of 2013 saw a group of young boys enter a Chinese TV talent show called Super Boy, hoping to be catapulted to fame. The film documents how the young boys coped with their new challenging lives. While under unthinkable pressure, they proved themselves by trying to make the right choices during live shows. Talent shows create a new type of entertainer, but can they still keep their true selves? Can they adjust themselves and balance the ups and downs? What have the ten years of Chinese talent shows given us? What is urging us to grow up?