威嘉(周迅 饰)同男友交往多年,两人感情一直十分要好,然而,令威嘉没有想到的是,本以为能够与其顺利步入婚礼殿堂的男友,竟然在毕业的那一天残酷的拒绝了她,从此以后,威嘉的噩梦开始了。失败的爱情经历让威嘉陷入痛苦中无法自拔,心慌气短、精神衰弱、脾气暴躁,这一连串更年期的症状,接连出现在了年轻的威嘉身上。 背负着沉重的枷锁,威嘉决定封闭自己的内心,拒绝所有人于千里之外,就在这时,一个名叫袁晓鸥(佟大为 饰)的男人出现在了她的身边。袁晓鸥用自己无微不至的温柔和体贴逐渐化解了威嘉内心的坚冰,在袁晓鸥的帮助下,威嘉逐渐找回了幸福和快乐的感觉。After Qi Jia's marriage proposal is rejected by her boyfriend in front of everybody during the graduation ceremony, she moves to share a flat with her best friend Xu Nian. The latter has been loving Qi Jia for 4 years and takes care of her, because she develops a funny crazy pre-menopause as a consequence of the shock, which makes her violent. Romantic movie, kind of Chinese Melody with a cute atmosphere