一名孤女(注:武田久美子)到處飄零,日本警視廳見她身手敏捷,故決定取錄她成為女刑警。這名孤女接受警視廳嚴格的訓練後,已經成為一名出色的女警。她果斷有膽色,身材玲瓏浮凸,號稱"爆慾刑警"(注:港VCD名)。她將犯罪集團視為她的殺父仇人,誓要徹底消滅他們……A special agent of the Tokyo Police has been given the assignment of assassinating a group of crime bosses. Soon afterwards, she encounters the hitman the crime bosses have sent to kill her. After talking together, they discover that they are equally reluctant to carry out their assignments. They are pushed onward by their respective bosses, however, until they must both decide where their loyalties truly lie.