在卡特里娜飓风袭击美国后几周,LaPlace小镇上挤满了数千名从这次飓风的重灾区新奥尔良转移过来的难民。镇上的圣约翰中学里也由此增加了450名新学生,其中有20多名橄榄队队员。为了使他们感到家的温暖,圣约翰中学橄榄球队的教练宣布,队里所有的位置他们都可以来竞争,这对这些转移过来的新队员来说是个好消息,但对原先的球员来说则有可能失去了奖学金的机会,特别是有些人要指望着凭此进入大学的。面对这样艰难的境况,所有的橄榄球队队员并没有产生摩擦,在这场巨大的灾难面前反而形成了一支更强大的队伍。In the weeks after Hurricane Katrina, the tiny town of LaPlace was overrun with thousands of displaced New Orleans residents. Their already bursting-at-the-seams high school, East St. John, took in over 450 new students. Twenty of them were football players. In order to make them feel more welcome, the coach declared all positions were open (even those help by ESJ seniors). For some, that meant the opportunity to play the sport they lived for, but for others, it put their scholarship chances (for many, their only chance at a college education) in jeopardy. But rather than fight or turn bitter, these young men banded together in the face of tragedy to create a team.