剧情改编自真人真事,描写诺玛·蕾一家都在南部小镇中的棉织厂工作,环境十分恶劣,工人饱受资本家的无情剥削。后来总工会派来一名组织者协助当地组织工会,受到工人们冷嘲热讽和老板无理阻拦。但是对不合理事物具有挑战勇气的诺玛受到组织者的影响而站了出来,终于在工厂成立了第一个工会。Like a lot of her family before her, Norma Rae works at the local textile mill, where the pay is hardly commensurate with the long hours and lousy working conditions. But after hearing a rousing speech by labor activist Reuben, Norma is inspired to rally her fellow workers behind the cause of unionism. Her decision rankles her family, especially her fiancé, Sonny, and provokes no shortage of contempt from her employers.