影片是对性、犯罪行为和艺术的一种深思,导演成功地将影象和绘画这两件生命中重要的元素呈现出来,丰富地描绘出意大利传奇画家的一生。 本片是一部传记体影片。英国的先锋派导演贾曼也是一名画家,他怀着对卡拉瓦乔这位伟大的艺术家的崇敬心理和对画家生活的浓厚兴趣,拍了这部关于艺术家生活片断的作品。本片的手法和题材不拘一格,从各角度都给人以新鲜感。本片获得1986年柏林国际电影节银熊奖,是英国1986年最卖座影片之一。Fictionalized biopic of famed 17th century Italian painter Michelangelo Merisi de Caravaggio. As a young man, he gained the support of Cardinal Del Monte and Caravaggio proceeded to develop a new style of painting giving a more realistic view of the world in which he lived. He also begins love affairs with one of his models, Ranuccio as well as with Ranuccio's girlfriend Lena. Their relationship leads to murder and deceit.