“金子”是个十来岁的女孩,大部分时间她都在照料母亲露丝。露丝曾是个隐君子,尽管现在戒掉了,但是几乎没有能力照顾自己,更不用说养家糊口。于是这个家庭重担落在了“金子“身上。但是,另一方面“金子”也要兼顾自己的学业,否则她的前途将失去方向。她将如何在两者间作出选择呢? 2004年戛纳电影节“金摄影机”奖与电影评论周最佳影片 以色列女導演凱倫葉達雅的長片處女作,在坎城影展一鳴驚人奪下金攝影機獎等五項大獎。16歲少女歐兒一肩扛起養家重任,面對母親放浪成性的墮落人生,她陷在悲涼的生命泥淖中難以自救,連想要展開一段純純戀曲,也被消磨掉失去所有的可能。寫實而殘酷的大城小事,結局震撼人心;影像成熟洗練,整體成績遠遠超越對一般新銳導演的保守預期。Or shoulders a lot: she's 17 or 18, a student, works evenings at a restaurant, recycles cans and bottles for cash, and tries to keep her mother Ruthie from returning to streetwalking in Tel Aviv. Ruthie calls Or "my treasure," but Ruthie is a burden. She's just out of hospital, weak, and Or has found her a job as a house cleaner. The call of the quick money on the street is tough for Ruthie to ignore. Or's emotions roil further when the mother of the youth she's in love with comes to the flat to warn her off. With love fading and Ruthie perhaps beyond help, Or's choices narrow.