两个心怀梦想的小编剧,张了一(宋木子 饰)和孙谈(合文俊 饰),写出了自认为可以名垂青史的原创电影剧本《七秒人》,在一群狐朋狗友的帮助下,寻找资方和制片人,试图将电影搬上大银幕,开启了一段啼笑皆非的“寻梦”之旅。这是一出编剧生存图鉴,也是当代打工人生存启示录。One script, two screenwriters, three revisions, four seasons change, five flavors mixed. According to legend, during the early years of the Ming Dynasty, General Chang Yuchun headed north with his army and established a campsite that later became known as \"Chang Ying.\" Several hundred years later, a group of young people also stationed there, dreaming of becoming directors, screenwriters, actors, producers, and more. Among them were two screenwriters, Zhang Liao and Sun Tan. They wrote a movie script that they believed would go down in history and were determined to bring it to the big screen.