如今,“洗骨”仪式已经越来越少见,但位于冲绳群岛西侧的粟国岛仍然保留这一风俗。据说,当地人死后,尸体要埋在岛的西边,等到化为白骨时,亲人要挖出尸骨并亲手清洗,这样才能让死后的家人真正告别人世。新城一家的家乡在粟国岛的粟国村,大儿子新城刚回到栗国岛,准备帮已经离世的母亲惠美子清洗尸骨。独自在岛上生活的父亲新城信纲过得十分糟糕,因为妻子的去世,他又重新喝上了原本要戒掉的酒。大女儿优子也回到了家,在名古屋做发型师的她也遇到了生活中的各种困难。 一次“洗骨”仪式让一家人得以团聚,并开始重新审视自己……It is the anniversary of the death of the wife and mother of an Okinawan family and the Shinjos have congregated back on the island. It is time to honour the dead by practicing the ritual bone washing, which involves the exhumation of the corpse and the washing of the bones. It is imperative to say farewell properly and come to grips with the dismal loss of a loved one. Along with the ritual comes the travails, challenges and circumstances of the family.