在二战后期纳粹占领下的意大利,一名当地的医生同时也是一名抵抗组织战士,他通过引爆炸弹来抵抗纳粹,但当纳粹威胁要医生投降否则就要要处决300名意大利人质时,他面临着艰难的抉择。Set in Italy, the story takes place in this very country, during WW2, where German occupation army ruled everything, just before the allied forces came, in 1944. Crawford plays here a doctor whose son has been shot by the Germans. Of course he has no more taste in life. He continues his work as a German officers' physician. One day, he throws a bomb just in the middle of German troops. Many soldiers and officers are killed. Some time later, the lead officer of the Nazis troops suspects the doctor to be the responsible of the explosion. He lets him know that he himself knows.