高中生冲康子(多部未华子 饰)有一个曾经是暴走族的大哥健儿(松冈昌宏 饰),表面上看起来暴戾无比,对康子也诸多管教,生怕妹妹行差踏错少了一根头发。康子对此厌倦不已却又无力反抗,因她也知道一切都是因为十年前父母去世,令哥哥对自己分外紧张。为了好好照顾妹妹的生活起居,健儿放弃了对暴走的爱好,转而去做了漫画家,更以“樱叶怜佳”为笔名发表漫画,深受广大少女欢迎,是畅销的漫画家。 这日康子遇上了转校生椿纯(大仓忠义 饰),因为对方的英俊温柔倾倒,在回家路上差点被欺负而得到花店老板娘绘里香(广末凉子 饰)出手相助。后发现绘里香是纯的姐姐时,康子更欢喜了。 康子被坏人绑架,差点被强奸之际,健儿赶了过来,而同时赶到的绘里香看见健儿时眼睛喷火。原来他们曾经是最亲密的恋人,二人同是暴走族成员,后因不明分手。冤家聚头,故事又要开始了。The show focuses on a man named Kenji and his younger sister Yasuko, whose parents died in an accident 10 years earlier. Kenji was once the leader of a gang, but in order to support him and his sister, he began making a living as a shojo mangaka. His character normally wears glasses and appears to be a gentle guy, but he throws off his glasses and reverts to his violent side whenever he tries to protect Yasuko from danger. Part of the story follows Yasuko's romance with an intelligent and good-looking man named Jun Tsubaki. Jun's older sister Erika now runs a flower shop, but Erika was once a leader of a female gang, and she used to be in love with Kenji during those days.