作品《大使夫人》讲述的是法国大使夫人在布基纳法索的瓦加杜古舒适的日常生活。她把排练她的歌剧剧目作为她日常的一部分,尽管她很清楚地意识到她永远不会在大众面前表演,因为她的居住津贴禁止她有工作,这让她再也不可能成为歌手。这件作品表达了大使夫人被困在特权生活中的感受,歌唱变成一种隐忍和坚持她梦想的方式。We find ourselves in an extravagant garden in Ouagadougou. The French Ambassador's wife dreamt about becoming a famous opera singer. Instead, she is now using the singing as a ventilator to survive her seemingly privileged life surrounded by workers. This film raises questions about power structures, class, intersectionality, post colonialism and feminism in a poetic, subtle and seductive way.