跟明秀借了高利贷的光太不停受到来自明秀手下的威胁。走到绝境的光太为了还清8千万欠款拜托朋友吉道做脏器买卖。可是沉迷于赌博的吉道欺骗了光太把钱独吞了。在日本,黑龙会组织面临为了给boss做手术需要脏器的状况。中间boss佐藤决定亲自访问韩国把光太带回日本。可是明秀一党挡住佐藤和光太要求还钱。光太想追回吉道骗走的钱,佐藤决定帮助光太。Gwang-tae is pressured to pay his debt by a loan shark, and finally decides to sell his liver for the money. He asks his friend Gil-do to make an arrangement, and is contacted by yakuza who want to save their dying boss. But Gil-do disappears with Gwang-tae's money, and Gwang-tae holds out against the gang, saying he is not going to Japan until he catches Gil-do. So Gwang-tae and the yakuza chase after Gil-do, and in turn, the loan shark chases them.