瓦兹太太(杰拉丹·佩姬 Geraldine Page 饰)在丈夫去世之后,和儿子卢迪(约翰·赫德 John Heard 饰)以及儿媳妇杰西(卡琳·格林 Carlin Glynn 饰)生活在一起。虽然日常起居有人照顾,但是杰西是一个脾气火爆的女人,婆媳住在一起,两人之间难免会发生一些摩擦,久而久之,瓦兹太太不愿意在忍耐了,产生了想要离开这个家的念头。 瓦茨太太做梦都想要回到自己的故乡——一座名叫邦蒂富尔小镇,然而,无论是在公交站牌还是在地图上,都找不到这座小镇的名字。一位好心的男子驱车将瓦兹太太送到了目的地,直到抵达,她才发现,一切都已经物是人非。Carrie Watts is living the twilight of her life trapped in an apartment in 1940's Houston, Texas with a controlling daughter-in-law and a hen-pecked son. Her fondest wish -- just once before she dies -- is to revisit Bountiful, the small Texas town of her youth which she still refers to as "home." The trouble is her son, Ludie, is too concerned for her health to allow her to travel alone and her petty daughter-in-law, Jessie Mae, insists they don't have money to squander on bus tickets. This prompts "escape" attempts each month which coincide with the arrival of Mrs. Watts' Social Security check. Then, Mrs. Watts makes a successful escape and last trip home.