《制胜人生》是一部阿根廷的侦探式影片,主要讲述了卢卡斯如何抽丝剥茧破解了家中巨款被盗窃的真相。卢卡斯是法律顾问,热爱法律和写作,喜欢侦探犯罪小说,他聪明善良。他哥哥马斯在律师事务所上班,但其实虚有其表,为人放纵狡猾。他们的父母不久前去世了,留下房屋遗产。一天,他无意间遇见了一位陌生女子名叫巴尔巴拉。约会后两人非常投缘,遂擦出爱的火花,卢卡斯带她回了家。但是第二天早上,卢卡斯发现刚取出的购房巨款被盗,而巴尔巴拉消失的无影无踪。Lucas, a young lawyer meets the stunning, sexy Bárbara in a café. Lucas, thinks she is perfect, with a taste for good literature. Lucas takes her home on his first date. The next morning Lucas wakes up to find Bárbara gone together with his cash hoard. Determined to recover his money he tracks her down, but is shocked to find the identity of the person behind the heist.