三个彼此相爱,相依,与死神抗争的女人。住在同一个街区。都是左邻右舍。贝尔拉不断推后自己的死亡。她与她的女儿,还是个小女孩的特伦嘉同住一间房。在临近屋里住着她们一直以来的邻居玛德琳娜。她每天都带着酒,满怀喜悦的跑到隔壁房间,以此来让三人暂时忘记自己悲惨的命运。The godmother and Pearl are the world for \"la nenita\", a world delimited by the four walls of a one room with a single window that faces nowhere. They only alter the space and the monotony, the sessions of blood transfusion to which Pearl must be subjected and the almost anonymous sexual encounters of the girl.