韩受托南下白石村, 助沙柏对抗南侵军阀陈, 后见送密件给柏的女义士为靠拢陈的特务所杀, 乃仗义送件, 惟于途中遇袭, 及抵沙府, 特务已抢先夺去可号召二千抗陈义士的信物白虎镯, 复挟持柏女秀到双门武馆, 欲骗取义士名单, 幸馆主将一干人等制服囚禁. 韩赶至通报柏的死讯, 并受馆主委托找街头卖药人萧召唤义士. 曾为钱出卖柏的余这时到来, 求秀原谅不果, 愤而放走囚徒, 杀死馆主, 又劫持萧妹芝, 逼萧交出义士名单. 萧指名单在芝身上, 时芝已辗转为特务所掳, 余为夺名单领赏, 挟萧约特务携芝相见. 韩接报与秀等到场, 伺机扑出制服歹徒, 最后更杀死特务头子A warlord expanding his power is blocked by a group of martial arts experts. To win, he hires a team of "Devil Fighters" to kill whoever gets in his way. A final bloodbath in the notorious Devil Valley is unavoidable between the evil warlord and the martial arts experts who vow to defend justice to the death. This is a Joseph Lai release starring Richard Kao & Albert Lee, co-starring Polly Chen & Lei Chun, also with Rosary Wan, Cheung Man & Kam Wai Yee. This film was directed by George Lai & Kim Sze Hin and the martial arts director was Master Lee.