身形猥琐、其貌不扬的阿Q(严顺开 饰)是未庄一个靠打短工度日的小人物。他家徒四壁,穷得连姓都没有。虽然如此,阿Q却始终自我感觉良好,或瞧不起装模作样的假洋鬼子,或与地主赵太爷攀亲。当然换来的往往不是尊敬,而是鄙夷甚至一顿毒打。好在阿Q有着一套自我安慰的“精神胜利法”,所以肉体上吃亏的他最终能在精神上得到满足。自从被赵太爷打和调戏吴妈受罚之后,阿Q的日子愈加难过。万般无奈之下,他只得进城谋求生路。阴差阳错的一些事,竟让阿Q在未庄人眼里成了手握重权的革命党,这个憋屈半辈子的小人物总算暂时抖了起来…… 根据鲁迅同名小说改编,并荣获瑞士第2届国际喜剧电影节最佳男演员奖。Ah Q is a poor man that looks trivial, lives in small town Wei Zhuang and works as a casual laborer. Though Q is such a man, he always feels good about himself. He often makes trouble, gets himself into it and then gets abused and beaten. But he can make himself satisfied with his "spiritual victory" thoughts at last. Q ultimately is not able to save his life from a tragic ending.