公司职员片山敏树(哀川翔 饰)在下班回家路上看见一群青年正在向一个流浪者施暴,他出面制止,被青年的头目神木彰(森本慧 饰)记恨在心。随后数日,神木如幽灵般徘徊片山及其家人周围,直到神木将其年幼的女儿彩乃拐走并残忍地杀害。很快神木被警方逮捕,但因《未成年人保护法》得以逃避严刑制裁,相关个人信息亦受到保护。反之片山因对神木等高中生施以暴力继而引发本次凶杀案的话题被广为传播。片山杀女之仇难报,妻子亦在悲伤和舆论压力下自杀身亡。 三年后,神木从保护观察所假释出狱,片山为确认其是否改过自新而四处查访。但没想到的是,他自此走入少年们编织的捕杀陷阱之中……Katayama (Aikawa Sho) is on the way home to his wife and little daughter when he stumbles on a gang of punks beating up an innocent man. Katamaya decides to help the stranger and surprisingly wins the fight. This turns out to be a bad decision as his daughter is kidnapped and murdered by the leader of the same band of young thugs. Katayama seeks revenge and tries to trace the gangs location.