在交友軟體盛行的都市生活中,一處公寓的監視錄像,正記錄著房客們各自不可告人的小秘密。有人擔心另一半外遇卻言行不一,有人背著另一半偷腥卻有苦難言;有人中了花言巧語而渾然不知,有人習慣為非作歹而心存僥倖。關係錯綜複雜的現代公寓,醜聞即將引爆他們的生活。When a CCTV is installed in an apartment, it starts to record their activities and show the tenant's private lives. It tells the story of Loida who is a lady guard, Gloria whose marriage has recently been annulled, Frank who is a married man and actively engaging into gay dating sites and Janet and Edward who are the new tenants hoping to make a clean start in their marriage.