警察克斯蒂带着任务前往戈梅拉岛,打入黑帮学习口哨暗语。然而当他回到警局之后,昔日的同伴却站在了他的对立面。到底是谁被策反?又是谁在泄密?在表象的忠诚与信任下,一切都不是那么简单。尔虞我诈中,竟然还蔓生开来一场浪漫又富有幽默感的爱之博弈,且看有情人能否终成眷属?罗马尼亚导演波蓝波宇玩转剪辑,五彩缤纷地为观众呈现一出错综复杂的东欧谍战爱情好戏。Cristi, a Romanian police officer who is a whistle blower for mafia, is going to La Gomera Island to learn an ancestral whistling language. In Romania he is under police surveillance and by using this coded language he will continue to communicate with the mobsters to get Zsolt out of prison. Zsolt is the only one who knows where 30 millions of euros are hidden.