在阳光明媚的晴朗夏日,牛小姐克劳拉和恋人踩着愉快的节拍行走在金黄的沙滩上。他们的身后是趾高气扬叼着篮筐的布鲁托,后面则是穿着夸张洋装的米妮(玛西丽特·加纳 Marcellite Garner 配音)和她的恋人米奇(沃尔特·迪斯尼 Walt Disney 配音)。终于到海边了,马先生信心慢慢表演跳水,却弄巧成拙;克劳拉在海里胆战心惊,大呼小叫,连泳衣都被冲走了;米妮站在岸上悉心准备着午餐;米奇则自由自在躺在海面上仰泳;布鲁托自然追逐着沙滩上的小螃蟹。 快乐的假日,好朋友们共同分享着美好的时光……A fun day at the beach. While Mickey, Horace, and Clarabelle go swimming, or try to, Minnie lays out a picnic. Pluto discovers why you shouldn't chase a crab. Everyone digs in to lunch. Mickey throws Pluto a string of sausages; he dives after them, and comes up with an angry octopus instead, who crashes into the picnic.