很久以前四处游荡的羽入一族来到雏见泽定居,虽然他们希望能够和当地居民共存,但是在排外心的作用下遭到了拒绝,并发生了流血事件。这时,羽入以人类的姿态和古手神社的神主进行交涉,而且和神主的后继者有了孩子。神主也觉得这样下去不是个办法,于是要求他们遵守几个严厉的条例。而且,为了平定互相猜疑的人心,必须要有牺牲者。羽入接受了这些要求,她甘愿成为古文书所记载的“混沌的鬼神”,倒在了自己的女儿剑下(根据古手家的古文书记载)。而村民们将背负起双方的罪孽和责任,换来了和平共处的“鬼神”奉为了OYASHIROSAMA。当然,羽入并没有这样死去。当她再次复苏的时候,雏见泽已经恢复成了平常的样子,两者和睦共处,而她也在漫长的岁月中默默注视着他们的成长,以OYASHIROSAMA的身份。直到梨花的降临才从寂寞中解放出来。The young group of friends in the town of Hinamizawa continue to have terrible conflicts with one another in their never ending summer of 1983, often ending with the brutal murder of one of their members. With the help of her spiritual friend, Hanyuu, Furude Rika tackles these challenges over and over, trying her best to keep their lives from coming to a tragic end. With no end to the torture in sight, Rika must call upon the bonds of friendship and trust among her friends to discover the true villain of this eternal June.