伊万(约翰·巴里摩尔 John Barrymore Camilla Horn 饰)是一个农民,加入俄国军队之后,伊万被告知,他卑微的出生让他永远也无法晋升成为高级军官。不信邪的伊万凭借着自身的努力与智慧,获得了老将军的赏识,终于迈入了他渴望已久的上流社会。 一次偶然中,伊万结识了将军的女儿塔玛蕾,两人因为某些误会而闹得很不愉快,而伊万却在争吵之中深深地爱上了塔玛蕾。之后,醉酒的约翰在无意之中闯入了塔玛蕾的房间,这让他失去了自己好不容易争取来的地位。革命爆发了,老将军被敌人处死,塔玛蕾也流落街头,幸免于难的伊万找到了塔玛蕾,对她真情不改,两人终成眷属。In the final days of Czarist Russia, a peasant is raised from the ranks to Lieutenant. The other officers, aristocrats all, resent him, and make his life difficult. He falls in love with a princess, who spurns him. When he is caught in her room, he is stripped of his rank and thrown into prison. Then comes the Red Terror, and the tables are turned.